Monday, May 30, 2011

Freedom of Humility

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" James 4:6

To humble oneself is to become free.  Long ago, Adam and Eve took from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in order to become like God.  This was an entering into bondage and oppression to sin.  This desire to become like God by knowing good and evil is a fundamental hinderance to experiencing fullness of life.  God made us to be dependent, needy, and ignorant.  Not because He wanted us to be weak or powerless, but because when we stand in proper relationship to an almighty and all knowing God, that is what we are and should be.  Whenever we seek to be independent, to need nothing but ourselves, and to know all things, we jeopardize that intended relationship with God.   We build our existence on lies rather than the truth.  This sets us up for tragedy.  To trust in that which is mortal, perishable, limited, and failing is to build my house on that which will - in due time and under due pressure - crumble to the ground.  It is to place my bet on a horse that cannot even finish the race without injury to self and others.  You see, God intends us to be dependent, needy, and ignorant because his plan is to provide us with everything we need.  Not that we would posses it for ourselves but that we might find it in him and thereby be in fellowship with him.  Dependence, neediness, and ignorance are only negative terms for those who have no provider, no lover and no teacher!  There was one person who had for himself all independence, who needed nothing at all from any creature, and who knew all things in heaven and earth.  He is the Messiah.  And yet in Jesus Christ we find one who chose to humble himself in the form of a slave.  Let's be real with ourselves: all have taken from the tree and all have pursued self-sufficiency and endless knowledge.  There is no going back.  But like Christ, we can chose humility.  Just as we chose self over God and others, we can choose to spiritually cover ourselves in sackcloth and ashes and to repent.  We can resolve to know nothing and need no one but Christ himself.  We can take on the attitude that Christ adopted, that though he was in the form of God he did not count it as something to be exploited but humbled himself (Phil. 2).  By choosing humility we come closest to realizing the perfect relationship with God, self, and others that our Creator originally desired.  We free ourselves from the tyranny of being right, of taking care of ourselves, and of being responsible for determining good and evil in every situation.  By choosing humility we open our lives to the possibility of being provided for by the one who lacks nothing, of being taught in every moment by the maker of all things, and of receiving constant affection by the lover of our lives.

"Almighty God, I have chosen to try and be god over my own life and other's lives as well.  I have been more arrogant than I know by pursuing self-reliance, perfect knowledge, and independence apart from you.  Forgive me for wasting my life in such ways.  I long for the likeness of your son to reign in me through the power of my baptism.  I long to be in relationship with you the way you intend.  Amen."      

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Practicing His Presence

"I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord!'" Psalm 122:1

I don't spend enough time being aware of God's presence.  In fact, I probably spend under 5% of my waking day enjoying the fact that my maker, my provider, my savior, my friend, and the lover of my soul is waiting to spend one on one time with me.  Imagine if I spent that little time with my computer or my phone!  I'd never get anything done! Imagine if I spent that much waking time with my wife!  Our marriage would be falling apart!  Imagine if I spent that little time doing chores around the house!  Our place would be a mess!  And yet somewhere inside of me is the idea that I can get by with spending such a tiny amount of my day with Jesus and have him still be my Lord.  I just won't happen.  Don't hear me wrong, this isn't about duty or holy obligation.  This has nothing to do with religious activity.   It is nothing less than a matter of life and death. The fact is that my soul is wasting away without it's source.  My heart is not beating without its first love.  My being is starving without its bread of life.  I cannot live without practicing his presence.  It would be one thing if being in the presence of my God was virtually impossible for me.  On Mount Saini, Moses had to hide his face from the Lord and only the high priest could enter the holiest place where God's presence dwelt.  Elijah waited in the cleft of the mountain for the Lord to pass by for just a moment.  The Psalmist longs to make the journey to experience God's presence at the Temple for a short pilgrimage.  Experiencing the actual presence of the Almighty has historically been a rare and dangerous endeavor, something that most people would never undergo.  But this is not the case for me.  Because of Jesus Christ, my God is constantly accessible.  I can sit with him, talk with him, listen to him, and be held by him all of the time.  I have no excuse.  He is more available than my computer or phone, more ready to listen than my friends or family, more patient and compassionate than even my wife.  But he gets 5%.

"Oh God, you are here with me now.  You are always available in your infinite love for me.   I don't want to close my awareness off to you anymore.  I want to be with you now and stay with you.  For I am alive in your midst.  Life is but a fleeting longing when I ignore your presence.  I will draw near to you now..."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Standards for Successful Church

"But Timothy has just now come to us from you, and has brought us the good news of your faith and love." 1 Thessalonians 3:6a

What makes a church successful?  What makes them stand apart from other churches?  Is it outstanding programs and ministries?  Tremendous growth trends?  Increases in pledges and monetary giving? Professions of faith and baptisms? Missional activity? Paul sent one of his finest, Timothy, to check in on the church at Thessalonica.  It was an audit of sorts.  He was worried that the fellowship there may have faltered a bit due to all of the difficult times.  Thankfully, Timothy came back with a wonderful report! Membership had increased 10% since Paul was last there!  Adult baptisms were way up from the previous year!  To cap it off, the Thessalonians were starting a new building program that would house new youth ministries! No. There were two things Paul was hoping he would find in the church in Thessalonica in order to deam his mission there a success.  Faith and Love.  Thats it.  These are the two things that led Paul to name this church his "glory" and "crown of boasting" (2:19).  Above all things they displayed faith in God and love for God and one another.  If this is what the scripture clearly tells us is the highest calling of the Church of Jesus Christ, why are we spending our energy, resources, and time doing anything else?  Could it be that God has priorities for His church that we have deemed too simple for our ambitions?  Are we after something other than His desires?  The time has come (and has always been) for those who call themselves the Church to focus on what really matters: The heart of Christ that commands us to love God and one another through faith in him.  If we do not occupy ourselves on this first thing, than we can never expect to have "all these things given to you as well" (Matt 6:33).  Once again, we've got it backward.  We think that if we "get them in the door, get them involved, and get them to give" we'll have a lasting church!  Yet it seems all people like the Apostle Paul seem to care about is that our faith would become famous among neighboring countries and that our love for God and one another would sound forth to the edge of planet (1:8).  Want more from church?  Share faith and love with someone today.

"Oh God, I have spent so much time and energy on the wrong things.  I've modeled my christian life after the world's aims and methods rather than learning from your word.  Call me again to the simple truth of your gospel.  It was love that rescued me and love that the world needs.  Help be to live with such faith in this moment.  Amen."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Time Has Come

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news." Mark 1:15

We live in a culture of next.  I've spent the first 28 years of my life preparing for what is next. If I float along with the mainstream, I'll spend the next 28 preparing for something else.  We are perpetually "on our way" to a destination we never arrive at.  The church is no different.  Christians are always working to become more holy, educated, sanctified.  We need to feel more, do more, know more in order to really live the Christian life out.  We'll really be able to live out the Kingdom once the secular world straightens up!  Once we get our country back on track then we can live out the Kingdom of God!  Biblical culture will have nothing to do with this unholy "next".  The New Testament it is always about what is now.  The gospels tell us that Jesus preached a simple message: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news." Since Jesus has come, there is no waiting for something else.  All that has needed to occur and take place has occurred and taken place in him.  There is nothing more lacking, no loose ends that need to be tied up for the Kingdom of God to intersect with who and where we are right now.  It has been accomplished.  God's intention is possible for our lives, communities and world because he sent Jesus to usher in the Kingdom.  There is nothing else that needs to happen.  If you repent and believe you don't have to be more holy, educated or sanctified to live in the Kingdom.  If you repent and believe you are ready even if the secular world and the public schools are not.  If you repent and believe in Jesus Christ there is nothing more that needs to be done for the Kingdom of God to crash into your world and make its residence.  It's heartbreaking to think that the very message that Jesus himself sought to proclaim in his earthly ministry is one that is too radically simple for us to accept as Christians.  We get it backwards.  We try and make everything ready in our lives, our jobs, our homes, our families, and our country so that there will be room for Jesus.  But Jesus didn't come so that we'd get everything satisfactory for him.  He came because we couldn't get anything satisfactory for ourselves.  He came so that wherever our lives, jobs, homes, families, and countries are we would turn to him, repent and believe.  I am worn out of trying to get my life ready for Jesus when he came at just the right time - when I was still a sinner to proclaim that the Kingdom of God was at hand.  What is stopping you from living out the Kingdom now?  What are you waiting for?  All that needs to be accomplished has been fulfilled in Christ.  Repent, believe, and live as a citizen of the Kingdom that will never pass away.

"Sovereign God, you are the loving ruler of a Kingdom that is not of this world.  In your son, you have brought that Kingdom here where we are so that we might live as it's citizens today.  Forgive me for missing the point.  Help me to have trust in Christ as the fulfillment of all that is needed so that I can live out that Kingdom that reigns forever.  Amen."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Love Above All

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1.

     Psalm 136 lists 26 examples of why God's love endures forever.  Each example is followed by the chorus "His love endures forever". The examples include God's major actions in human history up to the point when the Psalm was written.  For me, the point of the psalm is simple: God does everything because he loves.  He created in order that he might have the opportunity to share love.  Every action, thought, and impulse God has toward humanity is based in love.  Power, justice, goodness, compassion, wrath, discipline, holiness...they all are rooted in love.  There is no other single concept that could so scandalously be synonymous with divinity (1 John 4:8).
     But these facts cannot seem to purge my consciousness of the notion that God may be rooted in something else.  Like power, or justice, or expectations on my life.  Lets be honest, I forget that God loves me.  Not in a theological sense, but in the way that I relate to him on a daily basis.  I forget that everything that happens to me happens in the sight of a God who loves me.  I forget that love is not rooted in my productivity as a disciple or my growth as a pastor.  It isn't based on my success as a father or my compassion as a husband.  God's love for me is not contingent upon how hard I try or how many people I share his mercy with.  It doesn't depend on what other people think of me or my hidden thoughts that I want no one to know about.  God's love for me doesn't end because I sometimes don't want to be loved or because I live like one unloveable.  It doesn't cease because I screw up or give up or stop up.  It doesn't quit because it becomes weary of loving me or because it finds something more easy to love somewhere else. No.  God is love. And that fact has nothing to do with me.
     God loves me because it is his essence and character.  God loves because he created to love.  Period.  That is why the psalmist repeats the phrase 26 times.  Maybe he or she forgot too.  No matter what God does in our lives and in human history, we can follow it with the promise "his love endures forever."  We cannot change the fact that God loves us.  But we can live in the freedom that comes with trusting that love defines our relationship with him above all else.  Try and believe that.  One day at a time.

"Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go,  today your love is reality.  May everything else fade away.  Only then can I begin to live in the fullness of your intention.  With my tiny heart and life...I love you too."

Question to readers: What notion of God gets in the way of knowing his love for you more perfectly?

For me: putting the idea that he expects a lot from me ahead of his pure love.  

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Daily Display

"For while we live, we are always being given up to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus may be made visible in our mortal flesh" 2 Corinthians 4:11.

I have often longed for the Christian life to work differently than it does.  If I were in charge, we would be able to die once to the old life of sin and death, never to face the pains of its existence again.  We would die to the human will of selfishness, insecurity, and pride and we would continue on in this life only in the life of Jesus.  If things worked this way, every Christian would appear radically different to the world!  We would be truly set-apart in the eyes of those who seek life! More importantly we would not have to ever taste the bitterness of having to hurt ourselves and the ones we love.  Alas, I am not in charge of this Christian journey and its inner-workings.  No, I am not God.  God has us being given up to death for Jesus' sake always.  That means that each day, each moment, our lives are meant to be a living testimony of the power of Christ's death.  Our weakness, our vices, our tempers, our prejudices, our nastiest thoughts and actions all speak to the world (and to us) the great need for Jesus on the cross!  Each time I display my broken humanity as a Christian, I am exemplifying once again why God sent his son to suffer and die!  The rub here comes in this fact - Christ did not stay dead.  He is no longer on the cross.  He rose from the grave in victory and lives today with with Father in power.  Had Christ stayed on the cross, our faith would be void of its power.  Yes, Jesus had to die on that tree, but he could not stay there.  For neither death nor sin has the victory over him.  Likewise, we do not only display the death of Jesus in our bodies.  Each time we are given up to death for Jesus' sake the ultimate purpose is that the life of Jesus would be made visible in us.  This is where dead stones become living stones.  This is where someone goes from being an example of why Jesus bled to an example of why Jesus rose.  When we allow the power of his death to bring about the power of his life in us, then we are truly sharing fully in our savior.  So it is indeed proper that I will daily exemplify through my existence the reason that Christ died.  This is always a cause for grief.  But I will always display the glory of a forgiven and sanctified sinner who lives the very righteousness and power of Christ in my mortal body.  And this is always a reason for great rejoicing.

"Thank you Lord that the Christian life does not work as I wished it did.  For you give me the opportunity each day to share in the life and death of your son Jesus Christ.  Each time I display my brokenness, may it be a witness of Jesus' crucifixion so that when I am renewed and redeemed again your life might shine through even me.  Only by your power, Lord, only by your power.  Amen."

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Good Shepherd

"Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out...I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with judgement." Ezekiel 34:11,16

I love it when God takes matters into His own hands. God's people had demanded that they be able to lift up human leaders so they could be like the rest of the nations. God allowed this, anointing kings and calling prophets to the task. But most prophets and kings cared little about how God desired His people to be led. They cared about the same things most people care about - power, popularity, and filling the bellies of their own families even at the expense of others. This led to a pattern of horrible leadership that bred social injustice, greed, and oppression, not to mention the blasphemy of sinful people using God's name to promote their own agendas. This passage in Ezekiel exhibits that God so loves His people and so desires that they be led to eternal life that He refuses to allow humans to lead them astray. "Enough of this! I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out! I will bring back the ones who have run far away because of your corrupt leadership, I will mend the backs you've broken under the weight of economic and social oppression, I will revitalize the ones you've stolen livelihood and self-worth from, and those who have benefited from the injustice against my people, I will give you the chance to seek my mercy by filling your lives with the destruction you've brought on the vulnerable." This scenario plays itself out time and again in our world. This is not a biblical story isolated to Ezekiel's day. We demand human leaders whom we can lift up and follow only to find ourselves time and again beneath their feet. Let me be clear that I am not blasting big government or the heavy hand of politicians. I am trying to point out a culture that puts its hope in sinners rather than the everlasting God of love. Even when we subscribe to this culture God's voice speaks clear into the darkness we've had a hand in creating. God takes matters into His own hands, seeking the scattered, binding the broken, healing the sick. But God doesn't stop with those who've been victimized by the powerful. He also comes to us when we're they ones who've exploited others in an effort to satisfy our insatiable appetite for power, worldly wealth, and fading glory. He loves us too by bringing us back to the place where we are in need of a Shepherd who's in the business of lifting up the lowly.

"Lord, you are the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. I give you thanks for finding me when I was far away, for healing and strengthening me and even for humbling me when I have sinned against you and your people. Forgive me for seeking other shepherds and for trying to take your place as one myself. Free me again to lie down in your green pastures I pray in Jesus name, Amen."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ministry the Jesus Way

"As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea - for they were fishermen.  And Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you fish for people.' And immediately they left their nets and followed him." Mark 1:16-18.

There is a right way to do things.  The manner and method matters.  Christians have been getting the recruitment thing wrong for a long time.  Find ways to get people to come to church who haven't been, give them a positive experience during the service, follow up with a nice letter, hope they come back, maybe make a phone call, and give them a chance to walk to the front when they are ready to make a public commitment.  God has done amazing work with these efforts for many years despite the fact that they're completely unbiblical.  When it came to making disciples we have no record of Jesus ever inviting anyone to church.  He never closed his sermons with an alter call.   He didn't wait until after the synagogue gathering and bait the hook over coffee. The fact that he didn't do these things matters.  It means that those who call themselves followers of Jesus probably shouldn't be too concerned with doing them either.  Jesus was out for a walk among real people, took the initiative to go to Simon and Andrew's place of work and there on their turf came clean with his intentions.  Simon and Andrew then left their vocation and heeded his offer.  There are some major lessons here about how to do ministry the Jesus way.  First, doing ministry the Jesus way means being out in the world (not in the church) and going to where people are (not expecting them to come to you).  Second, doing ministry the Jesus way means being upfront about what your intentions are.  No gimmicks, no persuasion, just an honest offering of a serious proposal.  Third, doing ministry the Jesus way means accepting people's "yes" and their "no".  Andrew and Simon said yes.   Many, who had other things on their minds and hearts besides following Jesus, said "no" (e.g. Matthew 8:21-22).  Their "no" wasn't a rejection of Jesus but a statement that they weren't ready to accept the proposal in the full.  Doing ministry the Jesus way is about authenticity, personal relationships, and mutual commitment.  In my experience doing ministry in the way of the institutional church can be just the opposite. Not always transparent, somewhat pressured, and often impersonal.  Two thousand years later, this is not a better way.  The church has not evolved.  For all those seeking to live the Christian life, it is crucial that we do ministry in the way of Jesus.          

"Oh Lord, you came to earth to seek and save that which was lost.  Thank you for not waiting for us to do the impossible and come to you.  Teach me what it means to live and love in the Spirit of your son Jesus.  Give me the courage and commitment to take the risks that are necessary to do ministry the way he has taught me to.  I pray trusting in the power of His name.  Amen."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peace be with you

"When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said 'Peace be with you.'" John 20:19.

For most of my life, peace has eluded me.  Know, of course, that I am not alone.  Because of the fall, our default condition is not peace but chaos.  Within us rages a constant swirl of confusion and dis-ease which we spend our energies and time trying to cover, ignore, and mask.  There are more ways to turn our faces away from the reality of the chaos within us than there are people on this planet.  I know because I have several ways unique to me.  Think about it.  If you weren't reading this, watching TV, eating every few hours, being sociable, staying busy, checking facebook, and occupying your time sleeping, what would you be doing?  You'd be going crazy.  I met a man several weeks ago who told me that he was on the verge of handing himself over to satan.  He was in a state of absolute turmoil and confusion.  Nothing he said made sense.  I asked him where he was living.  "I've been living in my van alone for the last 2 months".  No wonder he was going crazy!  He was left alone with the chaos that rages within each of us for 2 months! This wasn't a retreat he was on or a journey of self-actualization, he was running from his chaos right into the thick of it.  Indeed, if any of us peel back the layers of stimulation, productivity, self-medication, and mind numbing activity that we have been trained to pursue, we will find a deadly storm within.  This inner-chaos becomes evident to us when these layers deteriorate or we are shaken enough in our lives to allow the deep rumblings to find a crack and reveal themselves.  Usually, when we sense this unrest we find a way to cover our discomfort with new layers, only heaping more band-aids on a gaping wound that won't stop bleeding.  That is where Jesus comes in.  "Peace be with you".  Can you hear his voice speaking that to your unrest, your chaos, pain, and confusion? "Shalom Aleichem".  That's more of what it sounded like when Jesus said this common Hebrew term.  It's super loaded language (like most hebrew), but I like to think of it as, "Posses completeness.  Lack nothing of your inner longings.  Peace" I need Jesus to say those words to me.  Like a scared disciple locked in a room of limited existence I need him to face me and speak those words to my chaos.  "Peace be with you."  Medications with brutal side effects that treat the symptoms of a disease are a waste of time and money when the cure is standing right in front of you. 

"Oh Lord, I have covered my need for you with countless layers of thin lies so I can make it through the day believing I have peace.  I'd rather really have peace than to keep appearing like I do.  Give me the strength to peer within myself and be honest about my dis-ease.  Speak your word of "Shalom" to me now.....I receive it by your grace...Amen"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Father's Love

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is because it did not know him." 1 John 3:1.

I am unworthy to be called a father.  After all, the one who fulfills the term "father" was the one who creates each child and gives up His son that we might have life.  "Father", in its purest form is perfect love, and there is no man who is worthy of such a title (Matthew 23:9).  And yet God has chosen to call men like me to become fathers.  He has given the unworthy the greatest gift and responsibility: the care of another life.  Twelve days into parenthood, I have already failed many times as a father.  I've been given glimpses of how destructive my shortcomings can be in the life of a little child.  All of this is too fearful and wonderful for me, that God would trust me with a little one like my son.  And then I think of those fathers who will fail more than I do by not being present, by being abusive, or by being cold.  And it dawns on me that though God gives children unto imperfect and broken men, God never relinquishes His own fatherhood over those children.  Even when I fail to be a father, God does not.  And then it dawns on me, that even when I am an imperfect father unworthy to bear the same title that He has defined in perfect love, I am still a child of God.  When I cannot be a father in the holiest sense of the word, and there will be many times when I cannot, it suffices to allow Him to be father to both my child and to me.  For I have seen myself more childish in parenting than I ever remember being as a boy.  What great freedom there is in the truth that our childhood in God the Father does not depend on us.  Rather, it depends on his great love that has been lavished upon us.  This is not a matter of activity but identity.  How wonderful that the worst case scenario is that God alone will be father of all!  So when I feel that I have failed in my behavior to attain the image of a father, I must remember that I have been made with Christ a child of The Father.  And there in that place I have some hope of allowing the likeness of God's son to live through me.  Only when I become a child of God can I be a father to my child.  The moment I forget who I am as God's is the moment it becomes impossible for me to be Abba.   For I am unworthy to be called daddy.  But I am undoubtably a son of the most high God.

"Oh God, thank you for sending your son so that I too might be able to call you Father.  Thank you for sending me little ones in my life to remind me that I am always your child.  Jesus reached the fullness of his purpose by simply being your son.  Help me to do the same, even to the end that I might be a father in your image.  Amen"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Go to the Gentiles

"Paul was occupied with proclaiming the word, testifying to the Jews that the Messiah was Jesus.  When they opposed and reviled him, in protest he shook the dust from his clothes and said to them, 'Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent. From now on I will go to the Gentiles'" Acts. 18:5-6.

The established, institutional church (e.g. First United Methodist Church) today is the "Jews" of Jesus' and Paul's day.  Those religious folk who have a culturally motivated, in-group sense of what it means to be on God's team.  Thats the kind of person I grew up being.  I'm the Jew in this story.  The gentiles are those folks outside the religious institution.  The people who do not follow the cultural expectations and social club etiquette that the established church requires of its "members".  Gentiles are those outside the church's notion of what it means to be on God's team.  Paul was committed to giving the Jews a shot.  After all, they are God's chosen people! He preached the gospel to them first.  He preached it clearly, boldly and without apology.  He did not try and make it easier to swallow, follow, or accept.  He certainly did not mold its message to fit into the Jew's cultural worldview.  It seemed that each new town Paul went to, the Jews of the area were opposed to his message.  Probably because it required them to change their ideas, behaviors, and attitudes.  They were just fine as they were, they had the truth already, why did that need something else? Paul finally had enough of this.  He shook the dust from his clothes and said "From now on I will go to the Gentiles".  I'll go to those outside of the walls, those outside of Christian culture, those outside "church folk".  Thank God Paul did that.  Otherwise, there may be no church today.  The church has been, for 99% of its existence, a Gentile church.  The problem is, we've returned to a religious life that looks a lot like the "Jews" of that time.  And the gospel message - when it is preached clearly, boldly, and without apology is opposed and reviled by many church people.  We want a message that strokes our egos and makes us feel entitled, not one that causes us to question our priorities and calls us to repentance.  And at some point, God will call the Apostolic Spirit to move beyond this kind of church and reach out to the Gentiles of todays world: those who've rejected Christianity, those who Christians have rejected, and those who couldn't give two flips about the church.  Perhaps that is where the next revival will take place.  That is, of course, unless the established church today decides to receive the one true gospel and allow it to transform their lives with the fullness of its power.

"Oh God, you established the church just as you chose the Jewish people long ago.  But we are prone to wander far from your truth.  We become so busy building up our temples and churches and finding the right kind of people to put in them that we forget about your call on our lives.  We are more concerned with maintaining our little world than going out into the big world you commissioned us to serve.   Lord, I hope it is not too late for your church.  Help us to hear and receive the gospel so you don't move on to more unexpected, but willing people who know they are in need.  In Jesus name, Amen."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Right Hand

"I keep the Lord always before me; because he as at my right hand I shall not be moved" Psalm 16:8.

The words of the psalmist are true.  I wish they were always true for me.  I do not always keep the Lord before me.  When I do, I am alive with the life of Christ, immovable by the drives of my flesh and the powers of the world.  The "right hand" refers to political and military support against foes.  The right hand is the primary blow, the strong force against the enemy.  The enemy, in my case, is the old self.  That person that I am without God.  Selfish, impatient, discontent, rude...the list goes on.  When I face that enemy with the Lord at my right hand, the battle isn't even fought.  The old self runs away with his tail between his legs.  When I fight that battle alone, without the Lord at my right hand, the enemy laughs with delight, for the battle has already been won in his favor.  This parenting thing has made it abundantly clear that I do not keep the Lord always before me and at my right hand.  Those first 3 days of Asher's life were a true test of where my life in Christ really is, and it was a test that showed me how far I have to go.  In the midst of an entirely new world run by a helpless and beautiful child I practically waived the white flag and let the old self make residence.  I was outside of my spiritual structure and strength, left to battle alone.  Needless to say, I ended up black and blue, with more than a few scars on my family as well, and all while the Lord waited for me to call upon Him to go before me and be my right hand.  Trying to fight any spiritual battle with my own spirit rather than the Spirit of God is a total joke.  But when the Lord is at my right hand, there leading the way and speaking truth, I am grounded in love and those things of the Spirit flow out of me.  You know: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Suddenly I'm not just a tolerable person who has moments of self-willed Jesus imitations.  I am naturally and freely Christ's own body to my son, my wife, and the world.

"Oh Lord, may the psalmists words be true every day of my life.  How I long to keep you always before me and at my right hand so that I will never be moved.  Thank you for showing me the futility of my self-will once more.  Thank you for being available to me again when I finally called on your name.  Through the risen Christ, please give me the wisdom to never leave your side, for there are important people around me who you have called me to love and serve by your power and in your name."