Monday, April 23, 2012

Each one Called

Each one Known
Each one Loved
Each one Called
Each one Sent

Many churches have a strong emphasis on creating a "family feel".  Kind of like the opening to "Cheers", church is a place where everybody knows your name.  As the mainstream church, there is often some emphasis on knowing one another.  Churches also seem to have a fairly healthy sense that they should love one another.  We could do a lot better at this, but it is something I think most churches value to a great extent.  These next two elements though are very under-valued and under-emphasized in the institutionalized church.  This week I will look at the third element to a dream for the church.  Let me talk a little about divine calling.

Every baptized member of the church universal has a divine call upon their life.  Every person who has entrusted themselves into the care of Jesus Christ is called to full time ministry.  Every Christian, every believer, every one who calls Jesus "Lord" is called by God to the work of realizing his Kingdom in their lives and in the world around them.  Calling is not limited to vocation - job - career.  A person can live out their calling in any job, setting, or environment.  This calling emerges from the transformed life that results through conversion and discipleship.  It is a calling that in many ways is common among all believers as far as its values and priorities.  We are all called to love, to serve, and to live humbly.  But each person has a unique calling that is tailored to use their passions, gifts, and personal relationships for the purpose of furthering God's Kingdom.  Many Christians assume that a calling is some kind of anomaly reserved only for a select few.  This is simply not true.  Our Christian calling does not depend on our extra-ordinary talent or time availability. Every Christian is called by God to a life of service and love for God and their neighbor through everything they do. 
One of the biggest obstacles for many Christians in realizing God's call on their lives is a sense that they are not worthy of being called.  The mainstream church has recognized the call of Clergy persons and vocational ministries to such a degree that most "regular" Christians can't imagine that they too are called by God to full time ministry.  Another obstacle is that many Christians don't feel like they know what it is they are called to.  They cannot discern who God is calling them to be in the midst of their everyday lives.  But I believe that if we seek in faith the reality that God is calling us and if we are open to hear that call in our lives through our own heart and through the community of faith, we will undoubtably hear the call. 
We must encourage one another as Christians to understand and know that we are called.  We are gathered as a community to affirm one another in our giftedness and passions.  I believe that the body of Christ (the church) is not functioning properly unless each member is fully engaged in their calling.  What if you are the leg that is not walking?  What if you are the eye that is not seeing?  What if you are the heart that is not beating?

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