Monday, May 7, 2012

Each One Sent

I've been talking about a dream for the church in which EACH person experiences the transforming power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Each one Known
Each one Loved
Each one Called
Each one Sent

Today I'll talk about the last element, Each one Sent:
When people are known by God and their family of faith and when they are fully accepted and loved in genuine relationships they begin to understand their value, giftedness and unique call by God.  Upon the moment that such a call is heard and accepted, the natural and immediate result is for that person to be sent to fulfill it.  Just because someone knows they have a calling, doesn't mean they have accepted the authority and responsibility of carrying that calling out.  I've met many people who know what God has called them to do in life but have never been sent by the church to go and accomplish that calling.  This may seem insignificant until we think about people's insecurity, hesitancy to act alone, and fear of seeming crazy ("God told me so!") or arrogant  ("He wants to use me because I'm especially special!").  Believe it or not people need permission, affirmation, and authority to go and be who they are. 
Once someones call is understood and accepted, it is the role of the Body of Christ to send (commission) that person to act and to covenant to support them in the living out of their call.  Our concept of this is extremely limited in the mainstream church and it is a huge factor in why lay-leadership is such a problem in the local church. 
To send someone is to do several things.  First it tells the person that his/her calling is not just about him/her.  Its about God and His mission in the world taking place through His people, the church.  Secondly, sending someone tells them that they are a living, important, and unique part of that mission.  Thirdly, sending people gives them the permission to act with the authority of a community behind them.  It allows them to take risks, but also provides them accountability and support when the calling is not easy to live out. 
Think about this, the very identity of the 12 disciples was defined by the fact that Jesus sent them to accomplish His mission in the world.  The word "apostle" simply means "one who is sent".  Who are we?  We are the ones who are sent!  We aren't the ones who came up with this mission or calling on our own but we come on behalf of one who holds unending love and power for the world that is here at our disposal through grace!  The point of becoming a Christian is to become an apostle (lower case "a") and to be sent out to accomplish the mission of God in a unique way by using your own gifts, calling, and environment. 
As the church we must Send people out and empower them to be all they are created to be.  Every worship service should have a commissioning of "regular" Christians - A mother who is sent to be an apostle to her family and the mother's day out she works for.  A retired man who is sent to be an apostle to his breakfast group, golf buddies, and grandchildren.  An accountant who is sent to be an apostle to his firm, clients, and industry.
When we are known and loved we can be truly called and sent.  This is one of God's dreams for the church!   

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