Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Time Has Come

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news." Mark 1:15

We live in a culture of next.  I've spent the first 28 years of my life preparing for what is next. If I float along with the mainstream, I'll spend the next 28 preparing for something else.  We are perpetually "on our way" to a destination we never arrive at.  The church is no different.  Christians are always working to become more holy, educated, sanctified.  We need to feel more, do more, know more in order to really live the Christian life out.  We'll really be able to live out the Kingdom once the secular world straightens up!  Once we get our country back on track then we can live out the Kingdom of God!  Biblical culture will have nothing to do with this unholy "next".  The New Testament it is always about what is now.  The gospels tell us that Jesus preached a simple message: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news." Since Jesus has come, there is no waiting for something else.  All that has needed to occur and take place has occurred and taken place in him.  There is nothing more lacking, no loose ends that need to be tied up for the Kingdom of God to intersect with who and where we are right now.  It has been accomplished.  God's intention is possible for our lives, communities and world because he sent Jesus to usher in the Kingdom.  There is nothing else that needs to happen.  If you repent and believe you don't have to be more holy, educated or sanctified to live in the Kingdom.  If you repent and believe you are ready even if the secular world and the public schools are not.  If you repent and believe in Jesus Christ there is nothing more that needs to be done for the Kingdom of God to crash into your world and make its residence.  It's heartbreaking to think that the very message that Jesus himself sought to proclaim in his earthly ministry is one that is too radically simple for us to accept as Christians.  We get it backwards.  We try and make everything ready in our lives, our jobs, our homes, our families, and our country so that there will be room for Jesus.  But Jesus didn't come so that we'd get everything satisfactory for him.  He came because we couldn't get anything satisfactory for ourselves.  He came so that wherever our lives, jobs, homes, families, and countries are we would turn to him, repent and believe.  I am worn out of trying to get my life ready for Jesus when he came at just the right time - when I was still a sinner to proclaim that the Kingdom of God was at hand.  What is stopping you from living out the Kingdom now?  What are you waiting for?  All that needs to be accomplished has been fulfilled in Christ.  Repent, believe, and live as a citizen of the Kingdom that will never pass away.

"Sovereign God, you are the loving ruler of a Kingdom that is not of this world.  In your son, you have brought that Kingdom here where we are so that we might live as it's citizens today.  Forgive me for missing the point.  Help me to have trust in Christ as the fulfillment of all that is needed so that I can live out that Kingdom that reigns forever.  Amen."


  1. Wonderful post, and in the midst of so many people graduating this month, a very apt post.

    I've been very moved by the many sermons and writings lately that focus on experiencing Heaven in the here and now. We are so often consumed with the then and what is to come that we miss the chance to engage in the work of the Kingdom that is right in front of us. One of best sermons I've heard was on Nehemiah and his call to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Even with so many deterrents and so many people against him, Nehemiah stepped up to the work that God had called him to. It wasn't something he was called to patiently wait for, it was something he was called to do, right then, and right now.

    May we be a people that live for the Kingdom of God that is here, not only for the Kingdom of God that is to come.

  2. Another thought...the reason why healing and other miraculous wonders accompanied this message was to show people that the hope was for real. If we as the church try and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand without giving them a sweet taste of that reality, how do we expect them to believe that such a think is possible. Go out today and by your life and activity show others that the Kingdom of God is real, then invite them to experience it for themselves.


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